Sign a PDF using USB Token - PKCS#11 Gustavo Delgado; Re: Sign a PDF using USB Token - PKCS#11 Tilman Hausherr; Re: Sign a PDF using USB Token - PKCS#11 Gustavo Delgado; RE: Sign a PDF using USB Token - PKCS#11 Jason Pyeron

I've downloaded latest binary version JSignPdf 1.4.3 and configured to use a PKCS##11 smart card reader (SCR3310v2 with Actalis Siemens Smart Card) with: JEP 131 (PKCS#11 Crypto Provider for 64-bit Windows) is another of the 11 new security features funded and targeted to JDK 8.. PKCS #11 is a standard that defines a platform-independent API to cryptographic tokens like smart cards and hardware security modules. The pkcs11.cfg file, indicated in the preceding configuration, must contain the Sun PKCS#11 Provider settings. This file is in text format and describes some properties of the provider, such as the path to the PKCS#11 native library implementation. Apply Digital Signature on a PDF document using USB hardware token PKCS 11 / Java PDF Library [Deriving from jPDFProcess] / jPDFSecure: Secure / Sign PDFs / Apply Digital Signature on a PDF document using USB hardware token PKCS 11 Hi, yes, I did. The communication with the card happens with -kst PKCS11 -lk parameters, I can see it as the LED on the reader is blinking. Dňa štvrtok, 13. februára 2014 10:39:22 UTC+1 Josef Cacek napísal(-a): May 03, 2009 · Excellent place, ready up the operative line. I construe a lot of blogs on a regular assumption and for the most concept, grouping demand thought but, I retributive desirable to gain a excitable account to say I'm willing I pioneer your journal.

Trying to configure server to run in FIPS mode using subsystem capabilities. I can't configure throught subsystem same as in file:

1.0 Introduction. The Java platform defines a set of programming interfaces for performing cryptographic operations. These interfaces are collectively known as the Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA) and the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE).

Jul 13, 2020 · Home; Configuring SSL. Securing data inflight for DataStax Enterprise components. Creating SSL certificates, keystores, and truststores. Guidelines for creating and configuring SSL dependencies.

IntegrationGuide:ApacheTomcat6withSSL Imprint copyright2014 UtimacoISGmbH Germanusstrasse4 D-52080Aachen Germany phone +49(0)241/1696-200 fax +49(0)241/1696-199 Platform support. With some tinkering it is possible to use an eToken on Windows Linux: Redhat Enterprise Linux 4 and compatible (Scientific Linux 4, CentOS 4) Jul 13, 2020 · Home; Configuring SSL. Securing data inflight for DataStax Enterprise components. Creating SSL certificates, keystores, and truststores. Guidelines for creating and configuring SSL dependencies. // get the certificate X509Certificate cert =(X509Certificate) ks.getCertificate(certificateAlias); // get the public key from the certificate PublicKey key = cert.getPublicKey(); Look into the projects's properties and open the Libraries tab. I assume you have set the JRE System Library to an execution environment. Change it to the workspace JRE or select a specific JRE manually. Sign a PDF using USB Token - PKCS#11 Gustavo Delgado; Re: Sign a PDF using USB Token - PKCS#11 Tilman Hausherr; Re: Sign a PDF using USB Token - PKCS#11 Gustavo Delgado; RE: Sign a PDF using USB Token - PKCS#11 Jason Pyeron Home; Configuring SSL. Securing data inflight for DataStax Enterprise components. Creating SSL certificates, keystores, and truststores. Guidelines for creating and configuring SSL dependencies.