ANSWER: The answer is no, you can not ping MAC address directly. If you have a network printer connected to your LAN but you can not ping it. The printer may be in your network and you probably are just pinging the wrong ip address for that printer.

Ping Mac Address to Find Internet Protocol Jul 05, 2020 How to find an IP address for a known MAC address in Windows Type "arp -a" in the command prompt. This lists a number of MAC addresses with the associated IP addresses. Since you have the MAC address, scroll down the list to find the associated IP address. The MAC address is shown in the "Physical Address" column with the IP address in the "Internet Address" column. An example of a table record is in Step 4. ARP Ping Tool - NetScanTools

Ping by MAC Address - June 2015 - Forums - CNET

How to Use the Ping Command to Test Your Network

Ping by MAC Address - June 2015 - Forums - CNET

Oct 28, 2019 About the application firewall - Apple Support