Mar 12, 2017

The steps we are going to see next have been done on Ubuntu, but they should be the same for any Debian-based distro. How to add new repositories to the software list. To see the list of repositories that we have in our Ubuntu distro, what we must do is open a Terminal (Control + Alt + T) and execute the following command in this: Debian wheezy, update repository - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange EDIT: You maybe able to follow the advice in this linuxquestions thread and uncomment the relevant entries in your sources.list and try to run apt update.. Debian 7 reached EOL as of May 31, 2018. Those repositories are no longer active. You can still receive support for Wheezy but it is going to be a lot less painful and expensive on your part to make moves to migrate to Jessie or even Stretch. Sources List Generator for Debian - Simply Linux

The testing and unstable repositories of Debian provide with a higher version of software applications than what is present in the stable repository. Note that these names are actually aliases such that the stable repository points to the current Debian stable release and the Testing repository is what is going to be part of the next Debian

Debian Repositories - Artifactory 4.x - JFrog Wiki Mar 12, 2017

How To Add Launchpad PPAs In Debian Via `add-apt

Sources List Generator for official Debian repositories. Debian Sources List Generator. Fork. Mirror Releases. Arch. Include source Contrib Non-Free Security. Source List. Make it so! Add Debian 10 Buster Official repositories to sources.list Jan 27, 2020 How can I get a list of all repositories and PPAs from the