The first show command tells you the name of the primary interface for the OS (i.e. this will be the one on top of the list in your System Preferences / Network Preferences window), as well as the IP address of your default router.

Here, it shows IP addresses for various interfaces installed on the computer, it includes IPv6 interfaces as well. If the system is connected to a DHCP configured network then you can release the IP obtained from DHCP. ipconfig /release. The above command works for IPv4. To release IPv6 address the command is given below. ipconfig /release6 Comprehensive IP address data, IP geolocation API and We're the trusted source for IP address information, handling 20 billion IP geolocation API requests per month for over 1,000 businesses and 100,000+ developers What Is My IP? - Shows your real public IP address - IPv4 What Is My IP?® is the industry leader in providing REAL IP address information. We provide IP address tools that allow users to perform an Internet Speed Test, IP address lookup, proxy detection, IP Whois Lookup, and more. We have extensive tutorials that show users how to trace an email address, how to change IP addresses, and how to hide their IP information. show_ip_interface.html - Cisco show-ip-interface. To display IP information for an interface, use the show ip interface command.. show ip interface [type number] [brief] [vrf vrf-name]. Syntax Description

Use the show ip interface brief command to view the endpoint-specific IP addresses on your router. Use the show run interface interface_name command to view both the IP address and subnet mask. For devices with multiple interfaces, use the command show ip interface brief | exclude unassigned to see only those interfaces that have been configured.

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PowerTip: Use PowerShell to Get IP Addresses | Scripting Blog Apr 10, 2014 raspbian - Easiest way to show my IP address? - Raspberry The if family of tools including ifconfig are being deprecated and replaced by the newer ip commands so you can use any one of the following from the command line to determine your IP address: sudo ip addr show or. sudo hostname --ip-address or if you still want to use ifconfig, and it is not already installed Display System Information on Your Desktop with Desktop Info